Useful Life Saving Hacks for Sweaty Underarms

Sweating is normal and it is how our body tries to keep our temperature cool. When you exercise or if it is a warm day, your body gets overheated. To regulate the temperature our body sweats. However, the amount of sweating differs from a liter to several liters and it depends on your body, genetics, weather in your area, and physical activity. 

Different people sweat in different amounts, in different parts of the body. If you are sweating a lot don’t assume that you have a problem. However, if you think your armpits are sweating really lot than they should be and it is interfering in your daily life, then you may be dealing with hyperhidrosis.

Whether you struggle with hyperhidrosis or not, if you want to get rid of the body odor, investing in a good deodorant will help you stay fresh and dry even during the hottest days. But some deodorants use aluminum salts, which block sweat glands from stimulating sweat. So, aluminum-free options can be the best option that is natural and plant-based.

Since there are so many products out there, choosing the best deodorant can be difficult. Go for all-natural, safe deodorants from Bussani Store that can be used by anyone above age 6. There is coupon code 15% off: 15GIRLDEO which you can use and try the family pack that comes with three sticks, for men, women, and girls. 

Here are some life hacks that will be of great help to you if you are struggling with sweating.

Underarm pads

Use underarm pads that absorb most of the excessive sweat from your underarm. 


Though it is painful to remove underarm hair, it can greatly help with your sweating problem.

Breathable Fabric

Use natural fabric like cotton and linen. These materials allow better airflow when compared to other synthetic materials. Moreover, sweats are less obvious when you use natural fabric.

Darker Clothes

When you know that you will sweat a lot then stick to dark colors like black, navy blue that help avoid yellow stains on your clothing as well as sweating will be less noticeable. 


If you are sweating hyperhidrosis-level, using only deodorants cannot be of much use and it is time to switch to an aluminum-free antiperspirant that contains a high dose of ingredients that helps stop sweating. 

You can also check with your doctor to prescribe the best antiperspirant depending on your sweating level. While roll on deodorant only protects against odor while antiperspirant helps reduce sweat and underarm wetness. 

Antiperspirant Wipes

Antiperspirant wipes are also a great option that can be used to prevent sweating in any part of the body like hands, feet. 

Insoles for Foot

If your feet are sweating it will cause you to slide in your shoes that can be dangerous also. Go for options like fabric-lined shoes, or insoles that can sop up the sweat to prevent slippage. 

Keep Supplies Always

When you know you will be sweaty, it is a good idea to keep the supplies like deodorants, antiperspirants, powder, change of clothes, etc., in a bag to carry around or keep them at your desk or car.