Hair Care In Watersports – All You Need To Know

When it comes to enjoying the outdoors, watersports offer a thrilling experience. From diving into the pool to surfing the waves, and kayaking down a river, there’s so much to do when surrounded with water.

Amidst all the excitement, one aspect that is often forgotten is hair care. There’s a reason why we have so many hair product for watersports  spread out in the market. Water in the pool or ocean damages your hair, leaving it dry and brittle. The only way to protect your hair is to take good care of them.

Watersports And Hair

Water sports expose your hair to harmful elements like salt and chlorine, which can dry out your strands and scalp. To protect your hair, wearing a swimming cap is crucial. Silicone caps are the best choice for keeping your hair insulated while you are in the pool.

Before diving in, it’s a good idea to use a rinse aid that’s free of chemicals. This could be a spray, cream, or easily absorbed hair oil. Coconut oil is a popular option because it’s natural, helps combat dryness, and reduces brittleness.

After your water session, it’s important to wash your hair thoroughly to remove any chlorine or salt residue. This routine helps maintain the health and vitality of your hair despite your aquatic adventures.

Additional Tips For Hair Care

Here are some extra tips to keep your hair in top shape:

  • Daily Washing

After participating in watersports, it’s a good idea to wash your hair daily. Choose a shampoo with repairing ingredients, followed by a moisturising hair mask and conditioner designed for regeneration.

  • Check Water Temperature

Wash your hair with lukewarm water to prevent dehydration of the hair fibres caused by high temperatures.

  • Air Drying

Avoid using a hairdryer or straightener every day. Instead, try to let your hair air dry whenever possible. If you must use a hairdryer, opt for medium heat and use a heat protector.

  • Gentle Hairstyles

When tying your hair up, avoid keeping the ponytail too tight to prevent scalp damage from traction.

Caring for your hair after watersports is essential for maintaining its health and vitality. By following these tips, you can keep your hair looking and feeling its best.