Tiger’s Eye Bracelet Meaning & Properties

Bracelet Meaning

Tiger’s eye is a stone of protection, courage and confidence. The wearer can see their own true nature and how to best bring it into the world. It has been used to assist in seeing one’s own strengths and weaknesses. In ancient times, the tiger’s eye was used as an amulet against evil spirits and curses. 

Tiger’s Eye is a variety of Quartz that contains chatoyant stripes ranging from yellow to brown-orange. The word “tiger” may come from its glittering appearance or from its connection with the great cat. 

Tiger’s Eye Bracelets are said to promote happiness and success in love affairs. It also helps to alleviate stress and anxiety by balancing the body’s energy flow – especially between the base chakra & crown chakra.

Enhances Personal Power

Tigers eye bracelets can help you to enhance your personal power and confidence. This is because it helps you to see yourself as a powerful person, who has the ability to achieve anything in life. It also helps you deal with negative thoughts and emotions by creating positive energy within yourself. This will lead to an increase in confidence and self-esteem as well as an improved self-image.

Increases Confidence

Tigers eye bracelets can help increase your confidence by making you feel more stable and secure about yourself, which in turn gives you the courage to take on new challenges or make important decisions. This is because it helps you to see yourself as a strong person who has the capability of achieving anything he wants in life without any worries or fears about failure or rejection.

Strengthens the Will to Achieve What You Want in Life

Tiger’s eye bracelet strengthens your willpower and determination to achieve what you want in life. It gives you the courage needed to face all challenges and difficulties that may come up along the way while achieving your goals in life. Wearing this gemstone, also helps you get rid of any fears or phobias so that nothing can hold you back from achieving success in whatever you do in life!

Balances Emotions

Tigers eye bracelet is a very calming stone, helping you to feel more relaxed and centred, especially if you are anxious or depressed. Tigers eye helps you to let go of your fears and worries, and it helps with emotional healing. It can be used to help you release your anger and frustration, and it can also help with fear of failure, fear of success and fear of change.

Helps Resolve Conflicts and Difficult Situations

Tigers eye bracelets can be used in order to resolve conflicts in relationships, or with coworkers or family members. Tigers eye will help you see the truth about yourself and others, which helps you understand what is going on around you. Tigers eye can also help resolve difficult situations that are causing stress for you; for example, if you have been laid off from work or lost a job opportunity due to bad luck or someone else’s actions this would be an excellent time to use tigers eye as well as Chrysoprase (another type of quartz).

Protects from “Evil Eye”

Tigers eye bracelet protects you from evil eyes and the negative energy of other people. The stone also helps to ward off bad luck, accidents and negative vibes by absorbing them into its own energy field. This makes it a very powerful protective stone that can be worn by anyone who needs protection from the negativity that surrounds us in this world today.

Promotes Wealth and Prosperity

Tigers eye bracelet is said to promote wealth and prosperity and bring good luck into your life. It also brings good fortune and helps you attract abundance, prosperity and wealth into your life. This stone promotes honesty, integrity, loyalty and generosity in relationships, including friendships and business partnerships alike. Tiger’s eye bracelet also encourages risk-taking (risk-taking attitude) which is essential for business success because without taking risks there can be no reward!

Helps Increase Focus and Concentration

Tigers eye bracelet is a crystal that helps you focus and concentrate on your work. It helps you to think clearly and make quick decisions. This is due to its ability to provide clarity of thought and cleanse the mind of negativity. It can also help you deal with unexpected situations, making you more flexible in your approach towards life.

Encourages Risk Taking (Risk-Taking Attitude)

The tiger’s eye stone encourages risk-taking, which can help you achieve your goals faster than ever before. As a result, it increases creativity and innovation in your life, making it easier for you to take chances without worrying about failure. You will be more open-minded about new opportunities that come along your way which can lead to better decision-making skills when dealing with people or projects at work or in life in general.


Tiger’s Eye Bracelet is made of Tiger’s Eye gemstone that helps to produce positive thinking and gives inner strength. The gems are empowered with the energies of the Sun, Fire, Earth and Water. It gives protection from negative forces. It is a protective stone that not only encourages success in one’s ventures but ensures protection during travel over water or by air.